"Coach's Daughter" is the fifth episode of the American television sitcom, ''Cheers'', written by Ken Estin and directed by James Burrows. It first aired on NBC on October 28, 1982. This episode serves as the only appearance of Lisa Pantusso, portrayed by Allyce Beasley. In this episode, Coach's daughter Lisa arrives with her fiancé Roy, who is boorish and obnoxious and rude to her, causing Coach to resent him. When it first aired, this episode scored very low Nielsen ratings; however, network reruns of this episode improved. Although it did not earn award nominations, it has been praised as a favorite by critics and cast alike, including the late Nicholas Colasanto. == Plot == Coach's (Nicholas Colasanto) daughter, Lisa, (Allyce Beasley) arrives with her fiancé, Roy (Philip Charles MacKenzie), a door-to-door salesman who turns out to be abrasive and insensitive.〔Lisa personally characterizes Roy during her conversation with Coach in the office.〕 Repulsed by Roy's obnoxious, boorish personality and insults toward people, including Lisa, Coach finds Roy not good enough for her. However, Coach is too reluctant to tell her about Roy because she appears to like him and wants her father's blessings. To make matters worse, at Melville's restaurant, Roy forces her to pay for dinner herself, which makes Coach angrier. Therefore, witnessing Roy's treatment on her, Coach's friends convince him to tell Lisa about Roy before it is too late. No longer able to keep his silence, Coach escorts Lisa into an office, admits to Lisa that she is too good for someone who treats her badly, like Roy, and openly refuses to let her marry him. Lisa reluctantly admits that she knows everything about Roy, that her relationship with Roy is a sham, and that Roy is the first and only man in her life, as she had no other. Coach is shocked with disbelief and tells her that she's "beautiful", but Lisa objects and begs him for one moment to analyze her physical appearance, which she is insecure about. Coach then realizes that Lisa resembles her mother,〔Coach's wife died before the show premiered in 1982.〕 who was not comfortable about her beauty. Yet, Coach dearly tells Lisa that she is more beautiful every day, regardless of her appearance, just as her mother was more beautiful every day. Finally, Lisa feels self-confident and thanks her father for his comments. After the talk in the office, Lisa confesses to Roy that she hates him, that she finds him "obnoxious", and that everything about him repulses her. Roy swears that the relationship is over, vows that he will never return if he leaves her forever, and exits the bar. Lisa prepares to celebrate her freedom from Roy with Coach, as they leave the bar. Meanwhile, Diane (Shelley Long) draws sketches of people, but her efforts show no resemblance to their subjects. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Coach's Daughter」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク